Latest Documents

Two documents out today.

XML Signature Syntax and Core
Many small fixes, improvements to the XPath and RSA (6.4.2 PKCS1) sections.
We'll try to bring this to the attention of the IESG and W3C Director for
consideration on the standards track. The softest spot is the dependency on
canonicalization obviously. It speaks to this point as follows:

        5. Presently, there are interoperable implementations of the 
        19991115 draft of the Canonical XML [XML-C14N] specification 
        and that algorithm is used in the examples in this version of the 
        specification. However, further implementation experience will be 
        used to refine the 20000601 version [XML-C14N-a] which will 
        then replace the older version as the MANDATORY canonicalization 

Proposed Canonical XML
We've already had good comments from John Cowan and Kent TAMURA, hopefully
we can publish a new version soon that accounts for any resulting
discussion. Beyond being new text (which means its green and is likely to
have ambiguities and decisions that need fixing that a 6th generation spec
wouldn't), Boyer is using the XPath data model:

        This draft is a proposal that (1) serves as an alternative 
        approach to the Canonical XML specification using the XPath 
        [XPath] data model, and (2) it includes a few substantive changes 
        that affect the canonical serialization of an XML document. Prior 
        versions of this document were published by the XML Core Working 
        Group, which delegated the completion of this specification to the 
        IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group. Any variances between that 
        result from this specification's use of the XPath [XPath] data model 
        and the XML Information Set [Infoset] will be reported to the XML 
        Information Set's comments list.

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2000 11:58:24 UTC