Re: XPath Transform, 3rd version

In message "XPath Transform, 3rd version"
    on 00/04/06, "John Boyer" <> writes:
> TAMURA-san: You posted a question about order of namespace nodes.  The
> paragraph about serializing the namespace and attribute axes states that the
> primary key for lex order of nodes on these axes is the namespace URI, so I
> don't know what the problem is.  Do you see a problem with using namespace
> URI (e.g. are you thinking we need to always add the default definition for
> xmlns to the initial evaluation context)?

A namespace declaration has no namespace, that is to say, there
is no namespace binding on "xmlns" prefix.  A URI as the value
of a namespace declaration is not its namespace.  So, there are
two interpretations:

  a) Namespace declaration has no namespace URI.  The primary
  key is empty.  The secondary key is a local name (the declared

  b) Regards the value of a namespace declaration as namespace
  URI.  The primary key is the URI.  The secondary key is a
  localname (the declared prefix.)

TAMURA Kent @ Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM

Received on Monday, 10 April 2000 23:43:02 UTC