Re: Last Call Comment: Canonicalization

At 17:08 00/03/26 +0300, Juha Pääjärvi wrote:
 >draft. But I think that there should be a lightweight alternative for XML
 >c14n because c14n is limited to complete documents, needs a DTD or a
 >schema and is unnecessarily complicated for many applications. 

I think it's pretty clear we are going to have to address how to serialize
(c14n) XML fragments. If we went with Gregor's proposal [1], we might not
need your intermediate level.




 >To conclude: I think it would be beneficial to replace the minimal
 >canonicalization with a lightweight canonicalization that had the
 >following properties:
 > -Can be applied on elements and whole documents
 > -Does not require a DTD or schema for processing
 > -Does remove the most common sources of alternation in XML documents
 > -Canonicalization can be done for DOM tree and SAX events
 >The souces of alternation that should be removed are at least the
 > -Character set normalization (UTF-8, I guess)
 > -White spaces (spaces, tabs and line breaks)
 > -Possibly attribute order (for example convert to alphabetical order)
 >Any comments to the canonicalization requirements, are welcome. I have not
 >designed those requirements thoroughly, so it's quite possible that I
 >missed something there. 

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2000 17:38:02 UTC