XPath transformation sample


If I understand the XPath transformation spec correctly then the sample
XPath expression for SignatureValue and DigestValue exclusion are wrong.

The sample expression returns a node-set that does not contain the
*elements* SignatureValue and DigestValue but does actually contain their
*text* child nodes!

I've attached sample output from our current preliminary XPath
transformation implementation:

- out.xml is a signed XML document I use as input for the XPath
transformation (the SignatureValue is not correct, it's not a signed value
but the plain digest)

- xpath.txt is the output from a separate XPath transformation, with each
node from the node-set serialized on a separate row

The XPath expression is as follows:

not(self::dsig:SignatureValue and parent::dsig:Signature[@dsig:Id='S1'])
and not(self::dsig:DigestValue and ancestor::*[3 and @dsig:Id='S1'])

A simple working XPath expression would be:


This expression would exclude the entire Signature element.


Petteri Stenius                            Petteri.Stenius@remtec.fi
Remtec Systems, Ltd.                           Office +358-9-5259240
                                                 Fax +358-9-52592411
http://www.remtec.fi/                         Mobile +358-50-5506161

Received on Thursday, 6 April 2000 11:55:33 UTC