RE: comments on 990806 Requirements Doc

At 09:10 99/08/18 -0500, Richard D. Brown wrote:
 >> Done. Richard if you object, say so.
 >Agreed to some extent. Negotiation tends to imply some form of handshake
 >(multiple exchanges) during establishement of the key. However, I think
 >"agreement" or "exchange" would be more accurate. The method that is used
 >establish the key is not necessarily based upon mathematics.

I now use agreement.

 >Why not simply "An XML-signature must be a well-formed XML element"

There is no definition of "well-formed XML element."

Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst 
XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 1999 12:07:44 UTC