CA: Working Group Up and Running / Conventions for WG Management


The W3C Advisory Committee is reviewing the activity; the IETF has approved
of the activity. Donald and I have collected numerous comments which we will
use to tweak the charter once the W3C AC review is complete.

The list should be debugged and ready to go, and the URI for the WG is:

However, we would like to get some work done in anticipation of the Oslo
IETF meeting. Don and I shall use the following conventions to structure
work in this WG.


Pending Chair Action Items and Requests 

        Presently, the list is managed by the chairs using the following
        subject header tokens to distinguish WG management from
        substantive technical discussion. WG members should not initiate
        discussions -- though they can obviously reply -- using tokens unless
        a chair has delegated an item. Messages from WG members to
        one of the Chairs in the chair capacity should have both co-chairs
        included, with the co-chair from whom you expect action in the "to:"

             Used to announce or request attention to a particular WG
             management issue such as next call, FTF, or WG  policy. 
             An email containing a summary of perceived consensus or
             poll consensus that WG members should review and/or
             respond to. 

        The  hypertextual token links to the email that includes the complete
        action item or request; the parenthetical date (YYMMDD) includes
        the open/close date for that item. 
Joseph Reagle Jr.   
Policy Analyst
XML-DSig Co-Chair

Received on Tuesday, 1 June 1999 15:56:26 UTC