Re: Fwd: Proposal for work on an efficient, browser-friendly, HTTP-based communication protocol for fine-grained information exchange

On 13.08.2010 19:44, Leigh L. Klotz, Jr wrote:
>   [re-post from at Julian's request]
> You might consider looking at multipart/related POST of XML (or JSON)
> and document content data.

Hm, in a browser, that requires client-side code that constructs the 
whole payload as a string, right? (Just clarifying)

> An XForms binding would also be a good match, since XForms is designed
> to be a REST client, and it has good support for structured XML data
> such as Atom, and for POST and PUT of multipart/related data.
> XForms already has a high adoption rate in the CMS / ECM industry
> already (our own product DocuShare, Documentum/EMC, Alfresco, Atlassian,
> Nuxeo, SmartSite iXperion, MarkLogic, etc.)
> There are good, free JavaScript implementations of XForms (Ubiquity
> XForms from IBM et al, XSLTForms from AgenceXML) and free server-side
> ones as well (Orbeon, Betterforms, etc.).
> Not all of these free implementations support multipart/related POST of
> XML with attached documents, but until browser support for MVC
> frameworks gets better, you can define an alternate wire syntax using
> multipart/form-data with one field containing a string of XML. A similar

Personally, I'd love XForms to be a success. But I think we'd need to 
prove that it's actually easy to use on a client.

It probably would be cool to look at some of David's examples and to 
describe how this would work with this approach.

> approach has been used in old implementations of JavaScript's XHR which
> don't support DELETE and PUT, by setting a well-known header to
> communicate the real intent and using POST.

I'm not sure that there ever was an XHR implementation not supporting 
DELETE and PUT (*); but as of today, they all do.

Best regards, Julian

(*) As opposed to DELETE and PUT from HTML forms, which is an entirely 
different story.

Received on Sunday, 15 August 2010 12:27:43 UTC