Re: [VCARDDAV] WebDAv collection sync: last issue

On 07.06.2010 17:11, Werner Donné wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't see why Depth:infinity should be ruled out from the start. You can let the server decide if the performance penalty is too high or not. A server with a relational system underneath it, for example, can do this with one query.
> I don't agree with the "bubble up" principle. A collection changes when its member set changes. Changing a resource that is referred to by one of the members doesn't affect the collection, whether that resource is a collection or not. I think the "bubble up" principal is not consistent with the "getlastmodified" property. It is also not needed if Depth:infinity is supported.
> Best regards,
> Werner.


In particular: defining a report works by defining it for Depth: 0. The 
semantics for Depth: 1 and Depth: infinity follow by the definition in 
RFC 3253.

It's probably *really* time to pull the definition of REPORT out of RFC 
3253 and place it into a separate spec, including more rationale, 
recommendations for defining new reports, and examples.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 07:14:56 UTC