Minor issues in carddav, was: [VCARDDAV] vcarddav WGLC on draft-ietf-vcarddav-{carddav,mkcol}


and finally (for now), here's a bag of minor issues...

1) Editorial (references)

"To date several protocols have been used for remote access to contact 
data, including Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP [RFC4511], 
Internet Message Support Protocol IMSP [IMSP] and Application 
Configuration Access Protocol ACAP [RFC2244],"

Put the abbreviated terms in brackets.

"vCard [RFC2426] is a MIME directory profile aimed at encapsulating 
personal addressing and contact information about people. The 
specification of vCard was originally done by the Versit consortium, 
with a subsequent 3.0 version standardized by the IETF [RFC2426]."

I guess the first reference to RFC2426 should be removed.

"Definitions of XML elements in this document use XML element type 
declarations (as found in XML Document Type Declarations), described in 
Section 3.2 of [W3C.REC-xml-20060816]."

Just say "[XML]" :-)

2) Editorial: WebDAV properties vs vCard properties

It might be a good idea to properly explain the difference between those 
upfront, and to check in the remainder of the spec that it's always 
clear which one is meant.

3) Editorial: CARDDAV:allprop XML Element

Maybe it would avoid confusion with DAV:allprop if it was called: 
cdarddav:allcomponents (or something like that).

4) 11. Service Discovery via SRV Records

RFC2782 states that security considerations MUST be included (just 
relaying this, no idea what would need to go in here).

And that's it.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2009 16:28:42 UTC