Dublin Meeting: discuss future WebDAV related work?


(cross-posted to vcarddav, webdav-acl and webdav mailing lists...)

It might be interesting to discuss a few strictly WebDAV related topics 
in Dublin. As there's no posted agenda for vcarddav, I was wondering 
whether it would make sense to gather people interested in this for a 
separate discussion.

Potential topics:

(1) Extended MKCOL (as proposed by Cyrus in 

(2) Current principal property for WebDAV ACL (W. Sanchez: 
already in the hands of the IESG)

(3) Synchronization (as proposed by Cyrus in 

(4) Making PROPFIND + friends more powerful (my proposal in 

(5) RFC3744bis:

   (a) incorporating errata 

   (b) absorb draft-sanchez-webdav-current-principal

   (c) remove RFC3253 dependency on REPORT by extracting the definition 
of REPORT into a separate spec (REPORT is known to confuse many 
implementors, and really needs clarification around Depth handling, 
potentially using a few examples)

I expect that most people who *may* be interested and are in Dublin will 
attend Monday's apps area meeting. How about staying there after the 
session ends, and discuss time and location then?

BR, Julian

Received on Sunday, 20 July 2008 12:38:07 UTC