Re: Forms-Based Authentication in DAV - Explore

vinod appajanna wrote on 12/22/05 22:10:

> Hi All!,
> Does any know if DAV-Explorer supports Forms-Based
> Authentication (Eg:- for connecting to Exchange
> Server).
> If it is not supported, are you planning to support
> this feature.
> Regards,
> Vinod

Hello Vinod,

please direct DAV Explorer-specific questions to the email address listed in the
DAV Explorer readme file and on the DAV Explorer website: dav-exp at ics dot uci
dot edu.
To the question: DAV Explorer does not support Forms-based authentication and
there are no plans to do so.
Having said that, DAV Explorer is Open Source, so you are always welcome and
encouraged to implement additional features that your application requires.
We of course always welcome patches.


Received on Friday, 23 December 2005 07:25:50 UTC