Re: ETags, next call, was: Notes on call from today ...

Cullen Jennings wrote:
> This is all fine but I think I am still far behind you. You keep pointing
> out it is impossible to implement but I'm actually  interested in who might
> not need it? How can I make my question any more clear that I am not asking
> about if current servers implement it or not? I'm just trying to figure out
> the practicalities of number of types of application in each camp.

Well. I thought that was clear from the fact that today you can't rely 
on it. Thus, none of the general purpose WebDAV clients I know of 
(Webfolders, Xythos, MacOSX) seems to need it (implementors, please 
speak up if I'm incorrect here).

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 07:28:16 UTC