Re: [Bug 23] lock discovery vs shared locks

This is great data Julian, very useful.

On Nov 18, 2005, at 8:52 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

> Proposal:
> 1) Describe lock token discovery after successful LOCK in exactly one 
> place in the spec, and make sure examples are correct
> 2) Remove the requirement to return the <lockdiscovery>, and mention 
> that change in the "changes" section, including rational and suggest 
> servers continue to return it when backward-compatibility with older 
> clients is an issue.
What about clients learning the lock timeout?  I know some clients use 
the <lockdiscovery> in the response body to learn what timeout the 
server chose, and use that to know when to refresh the lock.


Received on Friday, 18 November 2005 17:00:00 UTC