Re: [Bug 18] no record of consensus for force-authenticate

Jim Whitehead wrote:
>> I have no problem adding non-normative text explaining this.
> I'm thinking that the right choice here is to create an appendix  
> describing the problem, and the recommended solution(s). While I  agree 
> that we shouldn't be wily-nilly giving implementation advice,  this is a 
> common enough problem, whose solution is sufficiently non- obvious, that 
> adding appendix text makes sense.
> I also think we should add a force-authenticate feature, but I think  it 
> makes sense to put this in a separate "DAV-fixes" draft. This  draft can 
> accumulate items like Force-Authenticate, and the reliable  etags for 
> the body and dead properties, etc. I'll take an action item  to start 
> creating this draft. I'll make it a private draft, so Cullen  doesn't 
> have to justify the creation of a new WG item :-)

Sounds good.

Received on Saturday, 29 October 2005 07:35:48 UTC