The problem is there are 40,000 mailboxes and 40,000 users. In this case there is an application which will be sending some particular messages to the Exchange server and using the mail client the users can read/delete those messages. That time i should get the notification that the message is read/deleted. I can't do anything with the application that is sending those messages. 

     For this i tried to use MAPI where there is a limitation of 255 mailboxes is there. Then store wide events (OnSyncDelete) where no read notification is there. Then i think WebDAV notifications also won't work because that also have a limitation of 256 mailboxes in exchange server 2000. 

    I want to use my application in both exchange server 2000 and 2003 in windows 2000 platform.

   Now I am trying to do the auditing for getting the read/delete events. I did it using the webdav PROPPATCH method. I got the Ok response but not getting any events in the security log. I am sending the XML request which i am sending for this. Please give me a sloution.

bstr_t sReq;
bstr_t sNewVal="audit_always"; //audit_on_failure //audit_on_success

 sReq =  "<?xml version='1.0'?>";

sReq = sReq + "<a:propertyupdate xmlns:a='DAV:' xmlns:o='urn:schemas:httpmail:inbox'>"; 
  sReq = sReq + "<a:set><a:prop>";

   sReq = sReq + "<b:security_descriptor xmlns:b= 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/security/'>";

     sReq = sReq + "<o:sacl>" + sNewVal + "</o:sacl>";

     sReq = sReq + "</b:security_descriptor >";

     sReq = sReq + "</a:prop></a:set></a:propertyupdate>";

Received on Thursday, 25 August 2005 05:55:14 UTC