Re: Quota: another DAV:quota-assigned-bytes question

Brian Korver wrote:

> Geoff,
> I agree.  And I agree with Julian that the "quota" model
> in the spec associates quota with resources, not users,
> which makes it inherently incompatible with the Unix model.
> But I don't think anyone could reasonably argue that the
> spec should be changed to associate quota with users.

Well, we do. Many quota systems work like that; and if this is supposed 
to become the Quota spec supported by the IETF WebDAV mailing list, it 
should be compatible with these systems.

Or on the other hand, removing this part of the spec resolves *that* 
issue, and as far as I can tell, only one single vendor is supporting it 
anyway. So why not make it a private extension?

> That would be unDAVlike, unNFSlike, etc.  Of course, someone
> could unreasonably argue that position....  ;-)

I don't get that point. Could you please explain...?

Best regards, Julian

<green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Saturday, 4 September 2004 07:59:16 UTC