This precondition sounds fine to me.

I wouldn't say it applies to all methods though; only methods that
modify state on the server (e.g., not PROPFIND or the various


Julian wrote on 06/18/2004 03:43:52 PM:

> So I'd recommend that we define a new precondition (applying to *all* 
> methods) specifically for use in this case, that also will contain the 
> URI of the resource causing the failure inside a <href> element, similar 

> to <> 
> (where the same situation occurs for missing privileges).
> For instance:
> (DAV:need-submitted-lock-token): If a request would modify the content 
> for a locked resource, a dead property of a locked resource, a live 
> property that is defined to be lockable for a locked resource, or an 
> internal member URI of a locked collection, the request MUST fail unless 

> the lock-token for that lock is submitted in the request. An internal 
> member URI of a collection is considered to be modified if it is added, 
> removed, or identifies a different resource.
> <!ELEMENT need-submitted-lock-token (href)* >
> (the text is taken from one of the GULP rules, see 
> <
> latest.html#rfc.section.C.6>).
> Feedback appreciated,

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2004 22:39:10 UTC