- From: Nevermann, Dr., Peter <Peter.Nevermann@softwareag.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 14:57:46 +0200
- To: "'w3c-dist-auth@w3c.org'" <w3c-dist-auth@w3c.org>
- Message-ID: <DFF2AC9E3583D511A21F0008C7E6210605C48010@daemsg02.software-ag.de>
A while ago I asked, whether - assuming no resource at destination to overwrite - COPY should preserve bindings, i.e. should COPY yield 1) or 2) (see below): 1) |u1 --COPY--> |u2 C C' a/ \b a/ \b C1 C2 Ca Cb x\ /y x| |y R Rx Ry 2) |u1 --COPY--> |u2 C C' a/ \b a/ \b C1 C2 Ca Cb x\ /y x\ /y R R' Most of you voted for 2). Now, assuming there *were* resources at destination to overwrite - take diagram 1) for visualization, where C', Ca, Cb, Rx, Ry all existed beforehand - I assume that COPY u1->u2 would result in Rx and Ry both being updated with content + dead-properties from R. And, again using diagram 1) and assuming all shown resources existed beforehand, what happens if we do the COPY the other way round, i.e. COPY u2->u1? The Binding spec states in section 2.3, last paragraph: "If a COPY causes one or more existing resources to be updated, the bindings to those resources MUST be unaffected by the COPY." Is it then correct, that while copying the C'-tree over the C-tree, resource R is first updated by Rx and then again by Ry (or the other way round)? That is, one of Rx or Ry "wins" in updating R? Hm??? Regards, Peter
Received on Sunday, 17 August 2003 08:58:15 UTC