RFC2518bis: xml:lang (2.6)


I'm not happy with:

	XML's support for multiple human languages, using the “xml:lang” attribute
(in the case of WebDAV properties, this attribute is placed on the ‘prop’
element), handles cases where the same character set is employed by multiple
human languages.

and I don't think we have reached consensus for this change.

In my opinion, this is an attempt to re-define how XML works (without sound
technical reason). In XML, attributes in the special XML namespace have
scoping. It shouldn't matter where an xml:lang is defined as long as it's in
scope of the current node.

I *do* agree, that the RFC might be more specific about this, but then it
should just quote what XML (and Canonical XML) have to say about it. Also,
this should be defined in an update of the definition of a property's value
(what's in, what's out?).


Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 03:36:51 UTC