MOVE command fails with 502 bad gateway on apache server


With one particular server my DAV client is getting a "502 bad gateway"
error on the MOVE command.  With most other DAV servers the client doesn't
have a problem so I am wondering if anyone can think of a reason why it
would be failing on this server.  BTW the rename(MOVE) with WebFolders fails
as well but webfolders falls back to uploading the file to a different name
to accomplish the rename operation.

The owner of the server doesn't believe that they are running any proxies on
the server although I don't know how to verify that.

The server reports itself as "Server: Apache/1.3.23 (WCS NFS Patch) (Unix)

My MOVE command looks like this

MOVE /share/test/file.txt HTTP/1.1
Overwrite: F
User-Agent: WebDrive
Accept-Language: en-us
Translate: f
Pragma: no-cache
Connection: close

HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway

Thank you,

John Glavin
South River Technologies

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2002 16:54:10 UTC