Windows XP Webdav redirector


I've been trying to get the WebDAV "redirector" (UA
WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600) in Windows XP to mount our WebDAV server. I've
found three issues for which I have workarounds, however, I'm still not able
to mount from my server.

Problem #1: basic authentication seems to be broken if the redirector
*prompts* for the credentials. If you supply them on the command line:

	"net use * URI password /user:username"

it seems to work.

Problem #2: given a URI like "http://server/a/b/c", the client tries OPTIONS
and PROPFIND on "http://server/a" (which is wrong because this resource may
not be WebDAV enabled). A similar (known!) problem exists in IE's "open as
web folder", while mounting a web folder using network places behaves

Problem #3: the URI may not contain a port number (even if it's 80!)

All these problems lead to error message 67 ("network name not found") with
absolutely no useful additional information.

After working around these issues, I can get the redirector to issue a
PROPFIND (Depth: 0) against by target URI (with correct Basic Authentication
credentials), and my server is responding with 207 (MULTISTATUS) and a
response body which seems to be just fine (and is accepted by the webfolder
client). However, I'm still getting error #67.

Did anybody else have a similar problem and knows what might be going wrong?


Received on Monday, 14 January 2002 13:34:43 UTC