RE: Issue: URI_URL, proposed changes

I'm not convinced that this change is important. A URL is a URI. We just
need to be clear about when a URI actually happens to be a *WebDAV* URI.

That being said:

>  - Continue to define the property name as a URI in section 16.

That section needs to be fixed anyway -- property names do not have URLs or
URIs. Period. This should be put onto the issues list (Jim?).

> ...
> I will not be able to get this done by the draft deadline
> (Monday) since I'm
> taking a long weekend to celebrate Canada Day ;)  But I'll gather the
> feedback after that and incorporate it later.

There maybe a deadline for draft submissions before the IETF meeting, but
does that mean that a new RFC2518bis draft needs to be submitted at all? I
would have hoped that before a new draft is submitted, the issues
*introduced* by the submission of the previous draft are actually resolved
(or at least discussed). See

<> and

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 15:42:54 UTC