RE: need clarification about COPY to locked resource response cod e

   From: Stefan Eissing []

   Instead of a response plain vanilla
   HTTP/1.1 403 LOCKED

   or Julian's
   HTTP/1.1 409 CONFLICT

   I would prefer
   HTTP/1.1 207 MultiStatus
      <DAV:status>HTTP/1.1 403 LOCKED</DAV:status>

   The problem with this is that for COPY/MOVE, a server would have to
   list all non-copied resources as well in the multistatus. Something
   to be avoided when a precondition for a operation failed.

Section 8.8.3 of RFC 2518 has "error minimization rules" that
require/encourage a server to only return the error once for
a given lock.  So only one such error message would be included.

   So, the best of both worlds would maybe be:
   HTTP/1.1 403 LOCKED
      <DAV:status>HTTP/1.1 403 LOCKED</DAV:status>

I don't think this degree of divergence from RFC 2518 is warranted/required.
The error minimization rules handle this case reasonably well.

Note: I am neutral as to whether the server returns a 423 LOCKED or a
409 CONFLICT in case an error token is being returned by the server.
One can make reasonable arguments for either behavior (but I
personally would do the latter, i.e. 409 CONLICT).


Received on Sunday, 21 April 2002 20:41:23 UTC