Okay All:   I'm going through the issue list and am going to try to present
two issues per week for a while.  The first one up tonight is...


At present, the specification is not explicit about who might be capable of
grabbing a lock token via lock discovery and the submitting it in UNLOCK
(and/or for a subsequent write operation). It is OK for the resource owner
to grab the lock token and do UNLOCK/write? Is it OK to have a "grab lock
token" privilege that can be assigned to anyone?

The issues list notes that this was raised by Lisa Dusseault in private
email (I believe to Jim).  I also believe we discussed what is largely the
same issue briefly recently.  I think you can find them in reverse
chronological order at...

in various threads mentioning lock discovery in their subject.

I'll step back and let someone else kick of the discussion on this.


Phone: 914-784-7569,   ccjason@us.ibm.com

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2001 01:54:41 UTC