Re: FW: WebFolders on Intranet

Has side-by-side functionality left your production server in an unstable state?

Then read:

What you have described is not a "problem", Douglas.

"This behavior is by design."

Here is the list of bugs that have been fixed in Version 3.0:

What's New in the Microsoft XML Parser Version 3.0 Release:

From What's New threads:

-Help , serverXMLHTTP fail

I use serverXMLHTTP to load a remote xml file, but it always tell me "access denied", here is my asp code: set XmlDoc =
Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "", false,"",null
XmlDoc.send why, anybody can help me?
- Anonymous 20 Nov 2000

-Re: Help , serverXMLHTTP fail
Use proxycfg.exe to configure proxy, can be downloaded somewhere in
- Anonymous 23 Nov 2000

What's New says (NOTE* Fix for Gerbert's XML/WebDAV on Intranet issue):

"For servers running on an intranet, it's necessary to run the proxycfg.exe utility to configure WinHTTP to access HTTP and HTTPS
servers through a proxy server. For example, you would use the proxycfg.exe utility as part of the deployment and installation
process of an application that uses the ServerXMLHTTP component to access WinHTTP."

proxycfg.exe can be downloaded here:
For more information, please refer to the readme included with the download.

Finally, the most recent MS threads regarding WinHTTP:

-Is there any more information on WinHTTP. I would like to adjust the winHTTP Registry settings programmatically but can't find any
information on the structure of the key.
- Anonymous 20 Dec 2000

-Re: WinHTTP
No, at this time, the format of the WinHTTP proxy settings stored in the registry is not documented and cannot be changed
- Anonymous 29 Dec 2000

Happy New Year!


S. Matthew Hersey
Newma Net Works

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Steen" <dsteen@eKeeper.Com>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 7:36 AM
Subject: RE: FW: WebFolders on Intranet

Does anyone know if this is simply another symptom of the problem MS has
with its wininet.dll?  It sounds very similar: connection won't close, etc.
They've got another web access interface now, in msxml3.dll, which
specifically avoids use of wininet (see, and they've
acknowledged it to be a problem.

So, if this is the same problem, we can at least know that it has been
recognized, and they know it needs to be fixed.

    Douglas R. Steen
    Drag-and-Drop Web Content Management

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerbert Orasche []
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 2:53 AM
To: Stewart Hersey; Peter Pierrou;;
Subject: RE: FW: WebFolders on Intranet

I have forgotten to mention that the fatal hang of the whole desktop happens
with MS Office 2000 SR-1. However, all other versions of WebFolders (there
are quite many of them: Office, IE, OS etc.) also don't shut down the TCPIP
connection, which can lead to interesting effects with some WebDAV servers
like IIS.

I am still not sure, if we are talking about the same bug. After the user
has pressed the Cancel button there are no more flying folders. Users won't
even notice that the connection is still open until they have Office SR-1.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Stewart Hersey
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 5:00 PM
> To:; Peter Pierrou;;
> Subject: Re: FW: WebFolders on Intranet
> Ahhh! You have just described the FFFFOO effect (Files Flying
> Folder to Folder Out of Oblivion).
> We've experienced a similar kludge, although the error is rarely fatal.
> I expect Microsoft to post the patch on Windows Update once it's
> been compiled...
> S. Matthew Hersey
> President and CTO
> Newma Net Works, Inc.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gerbert Orasche" <>
> To: "Peter Pierrou" <>;
> <>; <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 4:50 AM
> Subject: RE: FW: WebFolders on Intranet
> Hi,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of Peter Pierrou
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 9:36 AM
> > To:;
> > Subject: Re: FW: WebFolders on Intranet
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > > Interested in getting in touch with any companies that are
> > using WebDAV on
> > > their Intranet.
> We are also using our own product within our Intra-/Extranet. However, we
> have been stumbling quite often over bugs in Microsoft's WebDAV client
> implementation. Only two weeks ago we have escalated a WebFolder
> problem to
> Redmond and hope to get a hotfix soon. It was about freezing Windows
> Explorer (and thus the whole desktop) whenever a user hits the
> Cancel button
> while uploading. The MS WebDAV client then stops to upload but the TCPIP
> connection stays open. Our server runs into a timeout, IIS
> doesn't (at least
> not within reasonable time)
> cu
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Gerbert Orasche, Senior Software Engineer
> Hyperwave Software R&D, Albrechtgasse 9/2, A-8010 Graz, Austria
> Tel: ++43-316-820918-11
> Fax: ++43-316-820918-99
> ___________________________________________________________________

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2001 00:56:49 UTC