RE: WebDAV Bindings - Issue Yaron.Insulting2616

WebDAV Bindings - Issue Yaron.Insulting2616I currently have an email pending
with Roy Fielding asking him about this issue.

- Jim
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Yaron Goland
  Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 9:43 AM
  Subject: WebDAV Bindings - Issue Yaron.Insulting2616

  The language used in the first paragraph of section 6 makes certain
assertions regarding the intentions of the authors of RFC 2616 that I
believe may not necessarily be accurate. As such I move that the authors of
the BIND spec send an e-mail to all the authors of RFC 2616 and ask them to
validate the accuracy of the proposed language.

Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 14:30:13 UTC