Re: Creating a lock-null in a locked collection

   From: Joe Orton <>

   ... It just seemed slightly weird, that if you LOCK or UNLOCK a
   lock-null resource, you are modifying the state of the parent collection;
   when if you do the same to a normal resource, you are not.

Yes, that is one of the reasons I strongly object to the notion of a
"lock null resource".  It sometimes acts like a resource (modifies the
parent collection), and sometimes does not (returns a 404 when you GET
it).  This makes it very hard to predict what its behavior should be
whenever you extend the protocol (i.e. should it act like a resource,
or act like not a resource).  For example:

- the BIND protocol (can you "BIND" a lock null resource to
  another URL?)
- the versioning protocol (do you have to checkout a versioned collection
  in order to add a lock null resource to it?)


Received on Thursday, 30 December 1999 22:35:27 UTC