Re: Why are WebDAV's XML namespace rules different than the W3C's?

At 04:43 PM 12/28/99 -0800, Yaron Goland (Exchange) wrote: 
> Anyone who actually is supporting section 23.4.2 (which, in so far as I
know, nobody does) 

Well, the xml library that I wrote to support the Xerox PARC Python WebDAV
server does.
I saw Greg Stein's email saying mod_dav does not follow 23.4.2

Any one else?

> is well advised to re-write their code to maintain the separation between
> and element name.

So you are proposing that we drop 23.4.2 from WebDAV?

Sigh.  I suppose that, if the entire rest of the XML world does in fact
follow the convention that namespaces are distinct from element names, then
WebDAV may as well switch to follow them.  What a pain in the neck!

Received on Wednesday, 29 December 1999 13:14:44 UTC