Re: why URL protection is not feasible when you version collectio ns

WJCarpenter wrote:
> Even if the WebDAV server implementors do a complete and thorough job
> of tying LOCKing in with whatever other tools the administrator has
> available, it is the nature of administrative activity that there will
> certainly be a way to instantly nuke any LOCKs that get in the way.
> This is RFC-2518 compliant, and one presumes that clients will have to
> muddle through this.
And if you allow a lock to move with a 302 the admin has a clean WebDAV
way to tell the locking user where his stuff has gone to instead of
the client and its user "muddling through this".
User:    Hey, my locked file is gone !
Support: Did you already look in your mailbox ? You were warned that
         your file would be moved and to which place.
But if it`s consensus that this method is user friendly, so be it.

Cheers, Edgar

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Received on Thursday, 28 October 1999 04:28:09 UTC