Re: Can you move a locked file?

On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, Geoffrey M. Clemm wrote:
> When collections are versioned, changing a binding is not just an
> explicit operation.  It is also the result of a revision rule
> evaluation against the versioning metadata (labels, activities,
> baselines).  To prevent a binding from being removed, you have to
> precede every metadata update with an evaluation of every potentially
> affected revision selection rule in every workspace to ensure it does
> not violate "URL protection".

Then why don't we look at the problems caused by selection rules, rather
than assuming they are fixed and making everything else fit into their
little world?

Why can't we simply constrain the selection rules better, thereby
avoiding the issues that you foresee with locks?


Greg Stein,

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 18:09:16 UTC