RE: Globally unique tokens. Was: One lock per resource per person?

jw> The strongest requirement for globally unique lock tokens comes
jw> from looking at the future where there could be multiple WebDAV
jw> servers participating in a cooperative cluster.  In that case,
jw> having globally unique lock tokens would prevent lock token
jw> collisions.

  Isn't this a quality-of-implementation issue?  If multiple servers
  need to access the same physical repository, a privately-arranged
  scheme can be used to keep them from colliding with each other
  (possibly even some server acting as a clearinghouse for doling out
  LOCK tokens).

So you are suggesting that they don't need to be *globally* unique
as long as they are unique within the cluster?

Received on Monday, 18 October 1999 20:43:05 UTC