Re: is DAV:getcontenttype read only?

Jim Davis wrote (some time ago--I'm still catching up from email that came in
while I was on sabbatical):

> The spec (13.5) does not say whether the DAV:getcontenttype property is
> readonly or not.  In mod_dav it is, in PyDAV it is not.
> I claim it should not be read-only, as the client (who stored the resource
> via PUT) has better knowledge of the server (which can, at best, be relying
> on resource name heuristics to guess the content type).

Shouldn't the server save the value of the Content-Type: that came in on the

|John (Francis) Stracke    |My opinions are my own.| S/MIME supported  |
|Software Retrophrenologist|===========================================|
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Received on Friday, 18 December 1998 17:25:55 UTC