Re: Clarification of URI vs. Resource

># But, according to RFC 2396, everything to the right of the "?" in a URI is
># to be interpreted by the resource, which is identified by the text to the
># left of the "?".
>but RFC 2396 says no such thing. http://host/path?query1 and
>are different resources. The only meaning of the 'query' is in relative
>URL parsing, and the fact that some media types (e.g., text/html)
>have algorithms that perform URL construction using the query syntax.

RFC 2396 says it in an oblique way because that is a scheme-specific
definition and isn't universal for URI.  For http (and any URL coming
out of the WWW project), those two are the same resource.  It isn't
required by the protocol because it is an implementation requirement
on an HTTP origin server and only subject to interoperabilty issues
when a user agent uses some algorithm to derive an identifier
(there are many such algorithms).


Received on Tuesday, 17 November 1998 00:52:50 UTC