RE: New (-09) revision of Distributed Authoring Protocol

> > If you find any problems with these documents, please report them to the
> > list quickly!
> Access forbidden. Not a problem with the document exactly but it does make
> more detailed comments hard.


Sorry about that -- today you get the "bad timing of the day award."
Earlier today I received some complaints that the change-tracking-enabled
variant of the -09 spec. wasn't displaying correctly because it was
returning the wrong MIME type (text/plain instead of application/msword).
You tried to access the text variant just as I was discovering that, on our
web server, if your .htaccess file (the Apache config file where you map
MIME types to file extensions) isn't group and world readable, it shuts down
access to the entire directory.  This lasted for about 2-3 minutes, which is
why you get the bad luck award... :-)  It should be working now.

- Jim

Received on Friday, 23 October 1998 21:38:13 UTC