Re: A problem with versioned collections

   Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 14:32:57 -0700
   From: John Stracke <>

   > This makes versioned collections essential for any application
   > that wants to version a resource whose semantics depend on other
   > resources that it "contains" or "refers to" (such as a book made
   > up of chapter resources, or source code that includes header resources.

   But isn't that what configuration management is for?

Traditionally, "configuration management" includes:
- artifact indentification
- change tracking
- version selection and baselining
- software manufacture (building derived files)
- managing concurrent update

Some of these are clearly concerns of WebDAV (e.g. managing concurrent
update), and others are clearly not (e.g. software manufacture), and
others fall in the middle somewhere.

Given the prevalence and importance of Web resources that refer to
other Web resources, maintaining the validity of those references
under versioning does seems like an essential aspect of WebDAV
(and the CM vendors have pretty standard approaches that are
reasonably straightforward to apply).


Received on Friday, 9 October 1998 18:06:00 UTC