Re: WebDAV and namespaces

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Greg Stein wrote:

> Jim Whitehead wrote:
> > ...
> > You are correct -- Section 24.4 is currently out of date w.r.t. the current
> > XML Namespaces proposal. However, the current XML Namespace proposal is only
> > a W3C Working Draft, and is not yet completely stable. While I don't expect
> > there to be massive changes to the XML Namespaces spec. between now and its
> > final approval, there will be some changes, and hence I am loathe to update
> > the DAV draft until XML Namespaces are finalized.
> I would submit that a massive change has occurred (moving from a
> PI-based namespace definition to an attribute-based system). This kind
> of disparity can't really be a Good Thing(tm).

There are also additional important changes, such as the addition of
facilities for defaulting and scoping namespace declarations. These
might prove themselves quite useful in WebDAV...


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University of Bristol,  Bristol BS8 1TN, UK.     tel: +44(0)117 9288478

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 1998 03:35:37 UTC