RE: 7.1 propfind

The implementers asked what they should do if they received an empty
PROPFIND. As the behavior was undefined we decided to define it with the
functionality that people felt would be the most common use of PROPFIND.
This also made it possible to cache the PROPFIND since there was no body to
confuse proxies.

Furthermore we still needed the allprop element so as to allow for XML based
extensibility where new elements may be created which modify the behavior of
allprop. In the worse case the server would not recognize the elements and
would just ignore them. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Dylan Barrell []
> Sent:	Monday, February 09, 1998 6:50 AM
> To:	'WebDAV'
> Subject:	7.1 propfind
> The third paragraph states
> ".......An empty request body MUST be treated as a request for the names
> and values of all properties."
> Why is this requirement here when the "allprop" body can be used to
> achieve exactly the same? Either "allprop" should not exist or this
> default behaviour should not exist.

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 1998 16:37:47 UTC