[Fwd: IR Internet Standard using Distributed Object Technologies]

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  • From: Sonya Finnigan <sonya@dstc.edu.au>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 20:24:43 PST
  • Subject: IR Internet Standard using Distributed Object Technologies
  • To: dbworld@ricotta.cs.wisc.edu, "Lagoze; Carl" <lagoze@exchange.cs.cornell.edu>, "'stk@infoseek.com'" <stk@infoseek.com>, "'rick.kenny@fulcrum.com'" <rick.kenny@fulcrum.com>, "'echristi@usgs.gov'" <echristi@isdmnl.wr.usgs.gov>, "'dayal@hpl.hp.com'" <dayal@hpl.hp.com>, "'graham@excite.com'" <graham@excite.com>, "'skg@eden.pls.com'" <skg@eden.pls.com>, "'pnelson@verity.com'" <pnelson@verity.com>, "'kgamiel@himrod.cnidr.org'" <kgamiel@himrod.cnidr.org>, "'wchang@infoseek.com'" <wchang@infoseek.com>, "'eugene@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov'" <eugene@pioneer.arc.nasa.gov>, "'dhardy@netscape.com'" <dhardy@netscape.com>, "'warms@CNRI.Reston.VA.US'" <warms@cnri.reston.va.us>, "'David_Loy@krinfo.com'" <David_Loy@krinfo.com>, "'ronm@MICROSOFT.com'" <ronm@microsoft.com>, "'masinter@parc.xerox.com'" <masinter@parc.xerox.com>, "'jpederse@verity.com'" <jpederse@verity.com>, "'jem@cnidr.org'" <jem@cnidr.org>, "'zheng@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu'" <zheng@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu>, "'perry@isl.hrl.hac.com'" <perry@isl.hrl.hac.com>, "'mishina@DB.Stanford.EDU'" <mishina@db.stanford.edu>, "'saint@bluangel.com'" <saint@bluangel.com>, "'Mike.Heffernan@fultech.com'" <Mike.Heffernan@fultech.com>, "'brewster@archive.org'" <brewster@archive.org>, "'rlasher@sulmail.stanford.edu'" <rlasher@sulmail.stanford.edu>, "'bmiller@usgs.gov'" <bmiller@mailrvan1.er.usgs.gov>, "'moinr@netscape.com'" <moinr@netscape.com>, "'rgossain@netscape.com'" <rgossain@netscape.com>, "'ab@infoseek.com'" <ab@infoseek.com>, "'cutting@excite.com'" <cutting@excite.com>, "'page@stanford.edu'" <page@stanford.edu>, "'raugh@interconnect.com'" <raugh@interconnect.com>, "'schwartz@home.net'" <schwartz@home.net>, "'johnms@microsoft.com'" <johnms@microsoft.com>, "'rad@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu'" <rad@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu>, "'lhill@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu'" <lhill@alexandria.sdc.ucsb.edu>, "'Luis Gravano (E-mail)'" <gravano@db.stanford.edu>, "'Kevin Chang (E-mail)'" <kevin@db.stanford.edu>, "'Hector Garcia-Molina (E-mail)'" <hector@cs.stanford.edu>, "'Andreas Paepcke (E-mail)'" <paepcke@cs.stanford.edu>, To:;
  • Message-Id: <199703270424.OAA06924@piglet.dstc.edu.au>
The ZORBA project has just kicked off! 

ZORBA focuses on "Information Retrieval using Distributed Object 
Technologies", with an initiative to produce a standard interface for 
performing distributed search and retrieval on the Internet. ZORBA 
motivates a middleware solution using OMG-IDL.

Assumptions and broad directions of the intiative are contained in 
"The ZORBA Manifesto" at
The ZORBA home page is still under construction as we are still 
sourcing documentation on related standards/projects/implementations 

ZORBA is intended to be a grass-roots initiative. To that end, Doug 
Nebert from the US Federal Goegraphic Data Committee initiated the 
ZORBA mailing list. 

To subscribe to the list, send email to:

with message body:
  subscribe zorba

(subscriptions to zorba-discuss have been automatically transferred 
to the zorba list, please address email to zorba@dstc.edu.au)

**To start the ball rolling ** if you have any experiences and/or 
documentation on related standards/projects/implementations etc. that 
could be of interest in light of "The ZORBA Manifesto" please post 
them to the above list or if preferred email either Doug or myself. 
In particular, we would like to focus at this stage on 3 main streams:

1. Suggestions for the overall IR interface architecture - how do you 
see the big picture?

2. What services should the next generation Internet IR standard 

3. References to and/or comments on existing object implementations 
or related IDL specifications.

Sonya Finnigan

Sonya Finnigan                         |        
CRC for Distributed Systems Technology |
DSTC Pty Ltd			       | Phone: +61 7 3365 2439 
Department of Computer Science         | Fax:   +61 7 3365 1999 
University of Queensland               | Email:sonya@dstc.edu.au
QLD  4072, Australia                   |

		The Future of Workflow Technology
                  The University of Queensland
                      Monday 7 April, 1997

         DSTC WWW Homepage:  <http://www.dstc.edu.au/> 

Received on Friday, 28 March 1997 03:20:25 UTC