Re: webdav + i18n

At 11:06 AM 5/1/97, M.T. Carrasco Benitez wrote:
>I just had a look to the excellent work of webdav.  I could not find
>references to internationalization (i18n) an more particular to
>multilingualism.  Is the group taking into account these aspects ? For
>example, if there are translations of a document.

So far, the WEBDAV effort has very much been concerned with producing a
protocol which avoids natural language bias in its field encodings, and
this has been a conscious goal in design efforts.  To date, our efforts for
trying to accomplish this have been to reduce as much as possible any
protocol elements which have a particular bias towards any natural

I look foward to specific feedback from you on how well our proposals can
be internationalized.

- Jim

Received on Friday, 2 May 1997 18:09:41 UTC