Re: Web Browser WEBDAV support

> Additionally, in the new effort, I would like to see a factorization of the
> DAV services such that they could be added incrementally and placed in
> different places. For example, in our system, we manage the shared state of
> documents on the server side and use an HTTP proxy to provide
> configuration/workspace management service. Others have used proxies for
> the same kind of service and also to support group annotations (a
> distributed authoring service I would think). This kind of factorization
> allows us to do a whole host of interesting things version control
> and configuration management. I would like to see that the new protocol
> consider such architectural issues. This way we can scale up easily than
> the current protocol design seems to indicate.

This is an important part of the design, to separate out the different
resources for 'control'. The IPP group seemed to run into this, in
having a separate URLs for "job data submit", "job status" and "job

I think we're moving along in this direction by using links,
but perhaps there are some factorization that we've
not addressed that you see in your application?

Could you be more explicit about what needs to be factored?

As soon as you allow that kind of factorization, you have
to worry about access control which is currently realm-based.
It might actually solve, rather than create, problems, though.


Received on Friday, 2 May 1997 15:04:24 UTC