W3C Weekly News - 29 September 2006

                            W3C Weekly News

                   23 September - 29 September 2006

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WAI-ARIA to Address Access to Dynamic Web Content

  The Protocols and Formats Working Group has released First Public
  Working Drafts of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). The
  "Roadmap" describes accessibility of dynamic Web content built with
  technologies such as AJAX and DHTML. "Roles" provides mappings for user
  interface controls and navigation APIs. "States and Properties"
  associates behaviors with document-level markup. Read the press release
  and visit the Web Accessibility Initiative home page.


XHTML-Print Is a W3C Recommendation

  The World Web Consortium released "XHTML-Print" as a W3C
  Recommendation. Designed for printing from mobile and low-cost devices,
  the XHTML-Print page description format satisfies print and display
  needs in the absence of a printer-specific driver and where variability
  in the formatting of the output is expected and is acceptable. The work
  is based on XHTML-Print written by the Printer Working Group (PWG),
  a program of the IEEE-ISTO. Visit the HTML home page.


Time Ontology in OWL: Working Draft

  The Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group has
  released the First Public Working Draft of "Time Ontology in OWL." The
  OWL-Time work follows from the DARPA Agent Markup Language DAML-Time
  work and brings together a number of classifications related to time.
  Developed for describing the temporal content of Web pages and the
  temporal properties of Web services, the vocabulary can express
  datetime, relationships between intervals and between instants, and
  durations of intervals. A "Time Zone Resource in OWL" is provided for
  the US and the entire world. Visit the Semantic Web home page.


XProc: An XML Pipeline Language

  The XML Processing Model Working Group has released the First Public
  Working Draft of "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language." Used to control and
  organize the flow of documents, the XProc language standardizes
  interactions, inputs and outputs for transformations for the large
  group of specifications such as XSLT, XML Schema, XInclude and
  Canonical XML that operate on and produce XML documents. Visit the XML
  home page.


Versioning XML Languages Using XML Schema 1.1

  The XML Schema Working Group has released the First Public Working
  Draft of "Guide to Versioning XML Languages using XML Schema 1.1." XML
  Schema 1.1 introduces new features that make it easier to define XML
  languages which are flexible enough to tolerate later revision in a
  forward-compatible way. Written for application and schema developers,
  the guide shows the new mechanisms and illustrates several techniques.
  The group invites comments on this draft which is expected to become
  a Working Group Note. Visit the XML home page.


Web Services Policy 1.5: Working Drafts

  The Web Services Policy Working Group has released updated Working
  Drafts of Web Services Policy 1.5. The Policy "Framework" defines a
  model for expressing the nature of Web services in order to convey
  conditions for their interaction. "Attachment" defines how to associate
  policies, for example within WSDL or UDDI, with subjects to which they
  apply. Read about Web services.


XMLHttpRequest Object for AJAX: Working Draft

  The Web API Working Group has released an updated Working Draft of
  "The XMLHttpRequest Object." The draft documents features of the
  XMLHttpRequest object, the core component of AJAX. The interface allows
  scripts to perform HTTP client functions, such as submitting form data
  or loading data from a remote Web site. Read about the Rich Web Clients


Selectors API: Working Draft

  The Web APIs Working Group released an updated Working Draft of
  "Selectors API." Methods are defined for identifying elements in a
  document for the purpose of performing script or Document Object Model
  (DOM) operations on them. Selectors defined in the CSS3 Selectors
  specification are used to identify the elements. Visit the Web APIs
  Working Group home page.


EARL 1.0 Schema: Working Draft

  The Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group has released an updated
  Working Draft of the "Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0
  Schema." EARL is a flexible format used to exchange, combine and
  compare test results including bug reports, test suite evaluations and
  conformance claims. The test subjects might be Web sites, authoring
  tools, user agents or other entities. See the EARL Overview. The group
  welcomes feedback from Web developers and researchers. Read about the
  Web Accessibility Initiative.


W3C Talks in October

    * Steven Pemberton gives a keynote at EUROIA 2006 on
      1 October in Berlin, Germany.
    * On behalf of the W3C Spanish Office, Richard Ishida gives a
      keynote at Fundamentos Web 2006 on 3 October in Oviedo,
      Asturias, Spain.
    * Shadi Abou-Zahra presents at Warum barrierefreies Internet
      on 12 October in Vienna, Austria.
    * Ivan Herman gives a talk entitled "State of the Semantic Web"
      organized by the IBM China Research Lab on 16 October in
      Beijing, China.
    * Molly E. Holzschlag and Andy Clarke give a tutorial at
      Carson Workshops: CSS for Developers on 19 October in
      London, UK.
    * Richard Ishida gives a keynote at LRC XI on 26 October in
      Dublin, Ireland.

   Browse upcoming W3C appearances and events, also available as
   an RSS channel.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where
Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to
develop Web standards. W3C primarily pursues its mission through the
creation of Web standards and guidelines designed to ensure long-term
growth for the Web. Over 400 organizations are Members of the Consortium.
W3C is jointly run by the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the USA, the European Research
Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) headquartered in
France, Keio University in Japan, and has additional Offices worldwide.
For more information see http://www.w3.org/
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Copyright © 2006 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)

Received on Friday, 29 September 2006 01:01:01 UTC