RE: [apps-discuss] file:///

On 25 September 2014 18:54, t.petch <> wrote:
> I do use file:/// most days of the week in the flavour used by IE and
> would be happy to work to see it standardised; which then requires a WG
> to show sufficient interest, or an AD to feel motivated to take it on
> (which you also know:-).

Personally, I'd love to see it deprecated and replaced by something more
useful/interoperable.  file: has problems where today it won't even
interoperate between two machines (because of different interpretations
of percent-encoded octets), so is only safe for use for files on the local
system or ASCII-only file paths.

If someone wants to write a draft on file: usage and the problems with it,
some useful source material is on Dave Risney's blog at:

(and a few of the comments at the bottom of it).
I might even be convinced to help co-author such a draft if someone else
took the lead.


Received on Saturday, 27 September 2014 09:25:57 UTC