Re: http+aes

Ian Hickson wrote:
> Eric J. Bowman wrote:
> > Ian Hickson wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Who is "we" and where are these conversations archived?
> > > 
> > > W3C HTML working group and #whatwg IRC channel on Freenode.
> > 
> > Exactly the last place I'd expect to find new URI schemes
> > a-spawning. It shouldn't fall to Julian to surface this to the
> > correct group, after the fact.  The system only fails when it's
> > subverted, which is a shame.
> Dude, the proposal is about 96 hours old, cut us some slack.

Which makes me even more frustrated with the process being followed.
Surely the idea is more than 96 hours old, but what business does
anything conceived of in February have showing up in spec language come
March?  Doesn't feel like standardization, feels like greenfield
development, when the solution shows up before anyone's aware there's a
use case illustrating a problem.

Is the solution based on any interoperable code?  Did that code exist
in the wild, as an ad-hoc solution to the problem, or was it created
after the spec language was drafted?


Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 05:52:02 UTC