Re: URI Template experience

That's great, thank you!


2009/8/21 Roy T. Fielding <>:
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Mike Burrows wrote:
>> Has there been any progress on URI Templates since the last flurry of
>> mails in early June?  Would a sneak preview of the new syntax be
>> possible?
> I actually did a lot of work on it just prior to the IETF
> deadline, but failed to make it far enough for a new draft
> before needing to switch back to httpbis.  You can see it
> in the work area:
> draft-gregorio-uritemplate.xml
> I will swap back in soon,
> ....Roy

Received on Saturday, 22 August 2009 10:01:11 UTC