Re: Error handling in URIs

Frank Ellermann scripsit:

> Hopefully you won't, it could hit an IETF Last Call wall of flames.
> Speaking as owner of said flame thrower.  LEIRIs are rubbish, and
> a black spot in the expired IRI-bis draft.

Legacy, Frank, legacy.  The whole point of legacy is that it's
rubbish, but rubbish that you're stuck with for now.

Why are well-meaning Westerners so concerned that   John Cowan
the opening of a Colonel Sanders in Beijing means
the end of Chinese culture? [...]  We have had
Chinese restaurants in America for over a century,
and it hasn't made us Chinese.  On the contrary,
we obliged the Chinese to invent chop suey.            --Marshall Sahlins

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 23:49:23 UTC