Re: URI Templates - optional variables?

On 10/15/07, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
> So, I think it's worth diving into the encoding issue here again,
> because we still haven't quite nailed it. If I use a generic "join"
> operator, I can't get anything from reserved into the results -- even
> a comma.

No, that was the point of my proposal, that if you look
at the generic version:


Only the value of 'arg' can put anything outside of 'unreserved'
into the URI. This to me seemed like the most stable
approach since it put the *structure* of the resulting URI into the
hands of the template designer.

What I'm interested in is if there are URIs that can't be
generated by this scheme. Roy's example of the radix
sorted directories was one, and I think substring selection
should be added based on that use case. Are there others, and
where do we draw an 80/20 line?


Joe Gregorio

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 05:10:18 UTC