RE: URI Templates: {prefix^variable*separator^suffix|default}

The previous regex I sent was not quite correct.

To parse { prefix[^] variable [*separator] [^]suffix [|default] }, including the shortcuts, you can use 1 of 2 regexes depending if any ^’s are present.
If ^ appears in the segment use:
If ^ does NOT appear in the segment use:
Both regexes have the same (…) groups in the same order so subsequent processing is identical.

-----Original Message-----
From: Manger, James H 
Sent: Monday, 12 November 2007 5:24 PM
To: ''
Subject: URI Templates: {prefix^variable*separator^suffix|default}

Next modification of my proposal:

{ prefix[^] variable [*separator] [^suffix] [|default] }

If <variable> is undefined, replace with
If <variable> is a single value, replace with
If <variable> is a list of 2 values, replace with

A <prefix> in the form ?name= or &name= is treated specially.
If no question mark already appears in the URI under construction, for the prefix use
Otherwise, for the prefix use

There are some shortcuts for convenience:
{prefix^var*} is a shortcut for {prefix^var*prefix}, which is useful for query parameters that can repeat.
{prefixvar} is a shortcut for {prefix^var}, but is only allowed if unambiguous (eg <prefix> ends with a <reserved> character).
{varsuffix} is shortcut for {var^suffix}, but is only allowed if unambiguous (eg <suffix> starts with a <reserved> character other than * and contains no <alpha> chars). {/name/} -> /alice/
{?name=} and {&name=} are shortcuts for {?name=name} and {&name=name}.
Omitting <default> or <suffix> is a shortcut for including them as an empty string.

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2007 05:18:00 UTC