WWW2007 Workshop "I3: Identity, Identifiers, Identification" - CfP

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                       CALL FOR PAPERS

                      WWW2007 Workshop

        I3: Identity, Identifiers, Identification
       Entity-centric Approaches to Information and
              Knowledge Management on the Web

                Banff, Canada, May 8 2007



The Scope
Current approaches to Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) on
the Web are keyword-based, document-centric and ranking-dependent
searches: keywords are used to find and retrieve possibly long lists
of documents that are then presented in a ranked order so users will
find what they need by opening and reading through one or more
documents in the list. A substantially different yet perhaps
complementary approach to IKM on the Web is to adopt an ID-based,
entity-centric, and profile-dependent view, where information and
knowledge are accessed and searched for by using identifiers to access
relevant entities and build their profiles by gathering from diverse
knowledge sources what the Web has to offer about these entities.

We call this Entity-centric Information and Knowledge Management.

The use of techniques from statistical natural language processing
for named entity recognition has also reached a high level of maturity,
and so this approach may be ready to be deployed for entity-centric
knowledge management.
Finally, by using URIs to identify entities, entity-centric search
and knowledge management is a practical application of the Semantic
Web to the search problem. The Semantic Web and search engines, long
viewed as incompatible, may actually be complementary and compatible.
However, an entity-centric approach needs to address and solve some very
difficult yet critical issues, such as: the identification of entities
across different documents, large-scale ID reuse, creating entity-
based indexes of content resources, entity-based web browsing, and so

The anticipated outcome of the workshop is to assess the state of the
art in the area, as well as to discuss the approach and evaluate
critically the next steps in pursuing this topic. There is the
potential for creating the core of a consortium for future R&D projects
on the topic for both academia and industry. Furthermore, the results
of this workshop will feed into relevant W3C Working Groups.

The intended content of the proposed workshop can roughly be grouped
as follows:
- Contributions from research and industry that illustrate projects,
 models, theories or architectures going in the direction described
- Overview papers presenting the state of the art in the area.
- Critical discussions of advantages and disadvantages of such an
 approach compared to other approaches.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: Feb. 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance: March 20, 2007
Camera ready papers due: March 30, 2007
Conference: May 8, 2007

Submission Details

All submissions will undergo a thorough peer-review process by
an international program committee, made up of leading members of
different communities from "Web 2.0", Semantic Web and Information
Retrieval researchers and companies.

Accepted contributions will be included on the WWW2007
Conference CD as well as made available as CEUR Online Proceedings.

Send paper submissions (PDF only) using the on-line submission
selecting the track
 "Identity, Identifiers, Identifications"

Paper length should not exceed 8 pages, formatting has to follow
WWW guidelines. For more information please consult the WWW
Workshop Submissions page:

 Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento
Program Co-Chairs
 Heiko Stoermer, University of Trento
 Giovanni Tummarello, Università Politecnica delle Marche
 Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh

Program Committee
 Joshua Allen, Microsoft
 John Black, Kashori.com
 David Booth, Hewlett-Packard
 Dan Brickley, Univeristy of Bristol
 Patrick Durusau, Snowfall Software
 Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR
 Allen Ginsberg, MITRE
 Pat Hayes, IHMC
 Ryan King, University of San Francisco
 Brian McBride, Hewlett Packard
 Steve Newcomb, Coolheads Consulting
 Rodolfo Stecher, L3S Research Center
 Fred Stuckmann, University of North Carolina
 Brian Suda, http://suda.co.uk
 Bernard Vatant, Mondeca
 Stefan Klink, University of Trier
 Bernardo Magnini, ITC-IRST
 Larry Masinter, Adobe
 Stefano Mazzocchi, MIT
 Claudia Niederee, L3S Research Center
 Themis Palpanas, University of Trento
 Valentina Presutti, ISTC-CNR
 Patrick Reuther, University of Trier
 Alan Ruttenberg, Millennium Pharmaceuticals
 Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari
 Holger Wache, University of Amsterdam
 Stuart Weibel, OCLC

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 2007 10:25:04 UTC