Re: URI and IRI Templating - encoding defaults

What do you mean, "the same"?

Character-by-character? Certainly not.

According to your Web server? Perhaps. Perhaps not; it depends on  
what it uses as a delimiter. AIUI many CMSs use commas as application- 
specific delimiters...

On 2007/02/17, at 2:01 PM, Joe Gregorio wrote:

> On 2/16/07, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
>> Yes, but as soon as someone needs to disambiguate between data and
>> delimiter, they'll have a problem.
> Is this URI:
> the same or different from this URI?
>   -joe
> -- 
> Joe Gregorio

Mark Nottingham

Received on Saturday, 17 February 2007 04:00:34 UTC