RE: URI and IRI Templating (What did I get myself into?)

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Your proposal puts the encoding information into the variable name.  
> That's one option, but I'm reluctant to encourage putting 
> this kind of thing in there, as it encourages URI Templates 
> to become URI Schemas, and they'll quickly become unreadable. 
> Encoding is by no means the last thing we'll want to 
> associate with a particular variable.

Do you mind listing off what you are thinking of in terms of other things to

> In the past, I've proposed putting the information into the 
> documentation of a particular template type, rather than in 
> the template itself.

You must have proposed that before I subscribed. Do you mind pointing to an

> or b) has to have 
> template-specific knowledge somehow (internal database?), to 
> avoid overloading the templates with metadata.

Internal to what?  I'm not sure I understand.

-Mike Schinkel

P.S. I just want to repeat again how excited I am about this spec. It fills
in what I see as one of the bigger holes in the lower level web
specifications, and will make so many things possible that were previously
not possible w/o violated "the rules."  It's existence will really help as I
move forward with

Received on Tuesday, 26 December 2006 22:17:55 UTC